We are officialy old fogies.

Know how I know? It was Halloween and we went to bed early and turned off all the lights so we wouldn’t have to deal with the trick or treaters. No big deal right? It’s not all that unusual for people to do. Well in response our house got toilet papered by the local delinquents. Nice! I’ve never actually seen it done but looking up and down the street it looks like we were the only ones that got it. They got a couple way up in the tree branches so they had some good technique. Oh well, I don’t really care. I picked up the stuff I could reach and left the rest in the tree. It will break or blow away eventually. Might have gotten egged too, I don’t know, I forgot to look. Don’t really care as long as they don’t break out the windows in the car or flatten the tires or anything expensive like that.

Jessica is gone until Thursday. She is out in the boonies at her parents house because her sister is in town from Pittsburgh. Suuuuuucks. I couldn’t go because I have to work but Jess in back on intermittent status for the Winter so she is starting to get more days off per week and can get away. The house is so empty and boring without her there, only the animals bawling constantly for something. What? Animals need water or they will die? Never heard that before, I’m sure it’s something else. At least I can sleep in if I want without getting yelled at… or can I? No I can’t, I’ve got a meeting at work and other stuff to do. Shite.

Well we are officially squatting in the house as of Monday. Haven’t heard anything yet from anyone and no one seems to be too concerned about it. Time will tell how long that lasts.

Huskers whooped up on Missouri last week. It jumped us up to #7 in the BCS poll so there is still a dark horse chance that the Huskers could play in the National Championship if we win out and a whole bunch of other things happen. It’s not out of the realm of possibility. A bunch of stuff was needed in 2001 as well and every single thing that was needed happened, only to get dominated by Miami which wasn’t fun. If we win out though and don’t get in it will be the third time in the last fifteen years that losing a close game to goddamn Texas was the thing that kept us out of the National Championship game. 1996 in the Big 12 Championship, 1999 in the regular season, and then this year if we win out, not to mention all the close games in between where almost every time they pulled it out of their ass at the end to win by a couple points. Texas can suck my left ballbag and I hope they lose every game they play for the rest of the year.

This video has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it was really cool.

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