We won!

Of course by we won I don’t mean we won the whole triathlon. It also doesn’t mean that we won our division either (not even close). We did however beat Dave and Ed (the other guys in the race from our department) in the overall time and really that’s all I cared about. YEA BABY IN YOUR FACE! It ended up being really close. Our ending time was 3 hours 17 minutes 40 seconds, and theirs was 3 hours 18 minutes 26 seconds. A 46 second win! Of course the overall winners of the whole event finished in 2 hours 8 minutes and 33 seconds but you know what? They got the same t-shirt and free lunch that I got. Heh.

It was really windy the whole time and it seemed like the whole damn race was going up a 30 degree incline hill into the wind. It really kicked my ass in the run. I ran the majority of the race with some chick that was just as out of shape as me up until the 4 and a half mile mark where I fell behind. I finished my run in 1 hour 4 minutes 26 seconds, and a 11 minute 32 second per mile average. Pretty pitiful. I thought we did pretty well in the canoe part of the race even though it was into the wind and it took a while to get the hang of it but we didn’t do that well in that either. We finished 73 out of 84 in that part. All in all I would say I was the weak link in the team. After the canoing was over my part of the race was done and I caught the shuttle back to the finish line with Dave to wait for Jordan and Ed to finish the bike portion of the race. I didn’t have much faith that he would be able to catch up to Ed on the bike because we were way behind. I estimated at least 15 minutes behind (actually it was a little over 20), but Jordan was a machine and passed Ed probably a half mile from the finish line. Sweet!

Anyway it was a pretty good time for the most part and I think I will definitely do it again next year (with a lot more training beforehand). I was pretty realistic on how I would do since I am in really piss poor shape but I still reached my goals on this one. First of all I wanted to finish the race, I wanted to not finish last in the run section (i was 82 out of 84, bad yes, but not last), I wanted to not finish last overall (we were 77 out of 84), and I wanted to beat Dave and Ed (Jordan pulled that one out for the team there, had nothing to do with me). The whole thing did what it was supposed to do which is get me back in the gym for the first time in 13 years. Now it’s time to sign up for the Governors Cup 5k.

Here’s a link to the final results.

Here’s some photos from the event.
The champions, and everyone else.

5 thoughts on “We won!”

  1. Ya know…this just makes a mother’s heart swell with pride! To see her first born son achieve such greatness is just awesome! Congratulations! And to be a part of such a great team is amazing! (You should see if you can get that girl’s name that you were running with and ask her to go running with you to get in better shape!) ;-) :-D Love ya Steve! Oh, by the way, COOL SHIRT!

  2. Looking at the photos of you guys, I did notice that Jordan seemed to be, overall, more aerodynamic than you…what with the tights and clean-shaven/prepubescent face. Maybe this played a role in his better performance when compared to yours. I mean just look at your face…

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