Upgrades, Imus, abortions, and eBay.

I know I haven’t been keeping up on the writing on here. Whenever I have a chance I just don’t really have the energy to do it so I just blow it off. During the past week or so I set Justin up with a site on a subdomain and that got me looking around at some new stuff. I did a lot of things in the background of the site like merging my databases into one and just doing a lot of clean up of some messy crap behind the scenes. I also upgraded the code to my mom’s site while I was at it since she was a couple versions behind in the software on her blog. I experimented a little with some new themes but in the end I decided that I liked the theme that I had and it just needed a little freshening up. For the people who still have their screen at 800 x 600 resolution, sorry. I wanted more room so now the site is set up for 1024 x 768 or higher. I spent a whole lot of time making my old theme fully widget compatible which I’m sure means nothing to most of you. Basically I can now drag and drop the crap any of the crap in the sidebar, and add and remove stuff without coding anything.

Enough dork talk, I’m sure no one gives a damn anyway. I’m pretty tired right now, I’ve been working quite a bit of overtime lately and I haven’t been sleeping that well when it’s time to sleep. Can’t really complain about that though because it’s my own fault. If you don’t want to be tired don’t sign up for the overtime then dummy. Yea so anyway after tomorrow I will take the lead in the department from Tim. For the people that don’t work here Tim pretty much comes close to or is the person who works the most number of hours in the entire company every single year. I think one year his overtime was equivalent to an entire year’s worth of normal hours for a full time person. There is no way I can keep the lead through the entire year though. I am pretty close to fizzing out as it is, not to mention that my back is really hurting again in the same place that it always hurts. I need some asian girl to walk on it and pop it back into place. Or any girl for that matter. Followed by some sort of erotic massage. Yea that’s the ticket.

There’s been things happening in the news in the last couple of weeks that I should have some sort of witty commentary on but quite frankly I just didn’t care. The crypt keeper… err Imus got fired for calling some basketball players nappy headed hos, which begs the question, who the hell still listens to Imus? Just listening to him speak is unbearable, and watching him on MSNBC was twice as painful. I’d rather put an icepick into my forehead. The thing that pisses me off about it is that he had to go apologize to Al Sharpton. How come when anyone says something that isn’t politically correct they have to go say sorry to that guy? Fuck Al Sharpton, since when did he become the designated spokesman for African Americans? If Imus wants to apologize let him do it directly to the people who he said something about, and if he doesn’t want to say sorry then let him stand up and say that he’s an old racist douchebag and he’s proud of it. Either way he was going to get fired, and either way he will be back on the air on satellite before the end of the year. There’s too much politically correct bullshit in this country for me.

There’s a hubbub about the Supreme Court upholding a law banning partial birth abortions and pro choicers are worried about abortion rights being eroded. My personal belief is that women should have the right to choose and I should have no say in their lives. However I had a girl knocked up I would take the kid on my own rather than have it aborted. That would be my choice. The only ones who should be involved in that decision should be the mother and father. Doublya and his cronies should mind their own damn business and stick to what they are good at which is booze, cocaine, cheating on their wives and generally fucking things up.

And of course who can forget the Virginia Tech massacre by Seung-Hui Cho. While it was a horrible tragedy and I do feel bad about the innocent people who were wounded and killed, what I am not looking forward to it spending the next year listening to ground breaking stories like this.

Gunman’s eBay Account Probed

Investigators are probing Cho’s account on eBay, where he was known as Blazers5505.

Investigators said it was on eBay that he purchased ammunition clips designed for one of the two handguns he used last week — from a Web vendor based in Idaho. He bought them about three weeks before the attacks.

A day later, he made a purchase from a vendor named “oneclickshooting” who sells gun accessories and other items. It’s not clear just what he bought.

Cho also used his eBay account to sell various items, ranging from Virginia Tech football tickets to books with horror themes, including some that had been assigned in one of his classes.

He sold a Texas Instruments graphics calculator that included several games, mostly with mild themes. He wrote on the site, “The calculator was used for less than one semester then I dropped the class.”

The people he dealt with on eBay gave him a rating of 98.5 percent — meaning he had just one negative review and 65 positive ones. One buyer who bought Peach Bowl football tickets described him as a “great” seller who was “very flexible.”

Holy crap! Why didn’t anyone see this coming sooner!?! You can tell he was obviously a psycho just from reading his feedback. I mean come on people!

condition as described, fast shipping
This Item was broken because it was just in a plastic container
Excellent transaction. Thank you. (:
sorry I posted the “shipped now” confirmation late…I did send it yesterday.

These were obviously cries for help and I demand that the Department of Homeland Security monitor eBay profiles immediately to stop these crazies from getting loose in our schools! Seriously though, is this shit news? I say no. Well at least not a story about his eBay useage. What you’ve got here is an awkward kid who got picked on and finally snapped. That’s it. I’m only thankful that he was Asian and not white, because there won’t be as many moron white kids being asswipes and buying themselves trenchcoats so they can be a trenchcoat mafia wannabe. I do feel sorry for the asian immigrant kids though. They had it bad enough with getting shot down by girls but now every time they ask one out the girl will call the cops on him because he might be a killer.

Well I have to get to work moving some planes around. They don’t pay me to entertain you. They pay me to look at the phone. One last thing though, how cliche was it that Seung-Hui Cho’s parents ran a dry cleaners?

2 thoughts on “Upgrades, Imus, abortions, and eBay.”

  1. I think the new setup for the site is just delightful. It now completely fills my screen with sarcasm and abrasiveness.

    I know this guy who knows this guy who’s sisters best friend bought some intimate self pleasuring items from Cho on Ebay. They gave him a C grade rating. C for Crazy.

  2. HAHA@HOOP!!! I think the kid snapped because everyone kept asking him if he was the kid from Indiana Jones. We are always gonna have a person who snaps and takes out dozens of people. Some are screaming gun control but I’m screaming loosen up the gun control laws. If people would carry then they might have stopped this crazy modern ninja.

    Imus is a tool but Al is a bigger tool and I agree with the same shit you said Steve. Actually I have more to say but I will not let my ignorence show on your blog.

    Abortions…trying to make woman look at an ultrasound before aborting….dumb…Why would you want to change someones mind if they really don’t want to be a parent anyway. I see more kids for the system to take care of if this happens.

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