Well now I’ve gone and done it.

So much for that perfect bill of health, I was in town today and happened to be by a KFC so I stopped and got my first Double Down sandwich. The damn thing has been out forever, I don’t know what took me so long. It’s not a sandwich really, it’s just 2 pieces of fried chicken masquerading as bread with some bacon and cheese and mystery sauce in the middle. I pulled it out of the bag and the box it was in was soaked with grease, the paper that surrounded it inside the box was soaked through with grease and it soaked through the bag as well. I have to admit that it tasted pretty damn good but I probably lost a few days of my lifespan by eating it. Is it any wonder that 63% of Americans are overweight or obese?

Finally sold my Blackberry on Craigslist today. I was going into town anyway and took it over and got $100 for it. I probably could have gotten more but it wasn’t really moving at the higher price and I needed to just get it sold before it wasn’t worth anything anymore like the other 2 phones that I have laying around that cost a fortune when I bought them. While I was in town I stopped by the framing store because I wanted to get a custom mat made up for my old Air Force going away picture that I basically ruined. Something fell over and went through the middle of it, broke the frame, broke the glass, ripped the picture. Basically all that’s left is the mat where everyone signed it and the engraved plate that fell off. I’m going to rebuild it and put in a 8×10 of a picture of the flightline where I worked and I’m going to put some old uniform patches in displayed real nice along with the signed mat. It will be different than what I originally had but better since I ruined the old one. I walked out of the store empty handed though because they were just dickheads to me and acted like they had no interest in helping me. I don’t give my business to places that treat me like that and I will never go to that store again. I just have to figure out where the hell I can go to get what I want done. It’s not like I’m having things custom framed every day.

Huskers SMOKED Washington yesterday. They were still pretty sloppy in many areas but I am starting to see some of the explosiveness that they had back in the day. It’s great to have the ESPN talking heads falling all over themselves in praise talking about how dominant we looked and how we are the best team in the Big 12 and have a chance to play for the title. We even got a first place vote in the coaches poll for the first time in what… almost a decade? Thank goodness the dark ages AKA Callahan era is over. It would be so awesome to win the Big 12 and even the title as a great big UP YOURS to Texas and the doofuses that run the Big 12 on our way to the Big 10.

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