
I’m getting sick of saying “What?” and “Huh?”. Know why I’m saying that? Because I’m half deaf in both ears from ear infections from the biohazard sickness from the childrens fun center that we picked up a few days before Thanksgiving. I’ve been sick 4 times this year with bad ear infections and I’m sick of going to the doctor at $115 bucks a pop out of pocket just to get enough medication to mostly clear it up until the antibiotics run out, at which time it comes roaring back, as bad as ever. I’m sick of feeling like crap, had to lie down for a long time before work because I had vertigo and was nauseous. I ordered a bunch of medicine from India so I can finally knock this out (it’s not here yet). Why did I do that? Because our medical system is broken and I’m forced to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars for a stupid ear infection.

The boy is growing so fast. He got his picture taken with Santa yesterday and he looks like a freaking 3 year old. You compare the picture with the one from last year (same Santa) where he doesn’t look quite… “done” cooking yet and look at the one a year later where he looks so big and old it’s unbelievable. He’s finally walking now, he was pretty much the last one around his age to do it of the kids we saw, he’s been the last at his age to do almost all forms of motation. It’s not like he’s not smart or anything, he knows his animal sounds and can tell you where various body parts are and could sit up and do stuff with his hands very early, he’s just always been very big for his age and the pediatrician said it’s pretty common for bigger kids to come along slower. He doesn’t like walking in front of other people though, but he’s always toddling around the house now, stealing all the remotes and moving them to other rooms so we can’t find them when we want to watch television and saying UPUPUP! which could mean he wants up or down or something else completely, he wants something and you need to help him achieve that goal. He’s also seems to be starting the terrible two’s very early. He’s becoming a real handful for mommy, really trying to test the limits and prove that he’s his own person and is a lot of times “that kid” who is having a meltdown in the store. No matter what it is that you are trying to get him to do, he wants do do the opposite. Need pants off? He wants them on. Pants on? Don’t want to put pants on, etc. I haven’t had much issue with him though but I’m sure it’s because he isn’t with me all the time so I’m something different. This Summer when I’m watching him most of the time again I’m sure he will try and work me over too. Keep your head up mommy, you do a great job, we just have a difficult child in some respects.

Christmas is coming, not a lot of presents under the tree this year because there’s not a lot of spare money right now and winter will be pretty tight money wise. Jessica and I agreed to not get anything for each other year because we don’t really need anything anyway. I’ve never been a huge fan of Christmas but it’s better with a kid around. Christmas is for kids anyway. We are hosting Christmas for our immediate family this year which is a first for me… isn’t that what grown ups do? When I was young I thought that grown ups knew what was going on and had it all figured out but now I realize that grownups don’t really know anything and wing it and hope for the best most of the time. I honestly don’t feel a day older or smarter in my head than I did when I was in my early 20’s but I do think that I am doing better with a kid at the age I am now and am giving him the prospect of a better future than I would have done fifteen years ago.

I got a speeding ticket… first one in years. 65 in a 50 on the back roads coming back from Columbus last week. Now I get to spend $153 to sit all morning on Sunday in STOP class. I thought about paying the ticket which was cheaper than the class but I don’t want to deal with higher rates on my car insurance, which is tied to my homeowners insurance, all of which is already very expensive and I don’t wish to make it any more expensive because it’s a pain in the ass to shop around and switch it over to get something cheaper.

Starting the first of the year almost everyone at my work has to wear safety glasses at all times which really sucks. Basically you don’t have to if you work in an office. I guess they got dinged by OSHA when people who were supposed to be wearing safety glasses because they were doing something which required it weren’t and got injured. Now it’s gotten to the point where if there’s another eye injury it’s big fines. For every action there’s an equal and opposite overreaction so now it’s safety glasses for everyone all the time whether you need them for your job or not (my job doesn’t). I bet more people hit their head and get injured, why not have everyone wear bike helmets? More people slip and fall too, better make everyone’s uniform into motorcycle leathers to prevent scrapes and we should all wear knee and elbow pads too just in case. Or… you could make the people whose job involves them doing things where they need eye protection wear eye protection which they should have been doing years ago but didn’t. Oh well at least I already wear glasses, I ordered a pair of wraparound safety glasses off the internet which shouldn’t be too unbearable to wear around for a third of my life. Another stupid pair of glasses to keep track of though.

I guess I should put up some pictures and videos of the boy again for people who are interested in that sort of thing, it’s been a while for that so I will look into getting it done. Bye for now.

4 thoughts on “What?”

  1. What kind of medicine from India? How did you decide on what to order? Are you sure it’s going to work? I hope it does so you feel better. Also get some hand sanitizer and use it constantly.

    I’m glad that Alexander is doing so well, and acting like a perfect little angel (LOL). He is such a cute kid, and I’m not saying that just because I’m his gramma! I really enjoyed his laugh and all of his different facial expressions last week. He will get better at walking too, and before you know it he’ll be running through the store instead of melting down lol.

    I’m really looking forward to coming to your place for Christmas, and once we get there you’ll have a lot more presents under your tree (even if it is just for a couple hours). You better make sure there’s room for extras then… Christmas IS just for the children, so for those years when there weren’t any kids or grandkids around here it WAS kind of boring and not much fun. Let me tell you that it’s much more fun Christmas shopping now!!! I never dreamed that there were so many more different types of toys out there nowadays (is that a word?). I really wish that we could have afforded to get you boys really cool stuff when you were little, but now that you are all adults you know that you can’t go into debt for Christmas without feeling that debt crushing you in January…so you do what you can. Kids have more fun playing with the box anyway HAHA! Just remember that it’s really nice just having one gift under the tree with your name on it…even if it turns out to be socks and underwear! (It’s a horrible feeling when not a single one has your name on it…).

    Anyway, be sure to post those videos of Alexander…looking forward to those! And enjoy your job wearing those new motorcycle leathers! Love you guys! See you soon. Mom.

  2. Steve, you don’t know it but you may be in the midst of the VERY BEST Christmas memories you will ever have, being a parent AND a child! Hosting the family, the planning and yes, excitement of it all. How I wish I could have the opportunity of that again!! I would appreciate it MORE!!
    My parents are gone, my child has in-laws that need a turn; yes, Christmas is for children, and you not only have one, you still ARE one. You are not only giving to X but to your own Mom & Dad too; don’t take that for granted.

    I enjoy hearing of Alexander’s stunts and development of his personality! Trying for you, but you are all growing together. Keep up the positive support for each other, it will help you when times get hard, and that too will come.

    Merry Christmas Steve & Jessica, and X too!

  3. You get better. No fun having ear infections. Thats why I can’t fly, the ear guy said I would probably rupture the ear drum if I do. So no flying the sky for me. Hate it too as would love to fly to Houston some year, but not worth the risk. Had that ear infection for almost a month about 20 years ago. Nasty nasty stuff.
    Will be thinking about you and hope you share some pictures of A’s Christmas, Wish we could have come, but not possible. Love ya GMW

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