What a game!

The Huskers really didn’t play all that well but managed to knock Colorado out of bowl contention with an exciting end to the game to finish the regular season with an 8-4 record and the inside track to a New Years Day bowl game against most likely Florida St. or Georgia Tech. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t really believe that at the end of the year we would have the possibility of finishing with 9 wins and really only being completely out of 2 games the whole season with the lack of talent that was on the team. I mean seriously… how many white, walk ons with Irish names from western Nebraska can you start on defense and still win games? Apparently quite a few. Anyway I think they are on the right track again. I almost want to go to the bowl game but Florida is a long ass way to go.

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Personally, I didn’t do anything at all since I had Thanksgiving at my Mom and Dad’s house a couple weeks ago. It’s the holiday season again. I don’t really care for it all that much, it kind of depresses me because it reminds me that I’m still single. It never ceases to amaze me how I’ve got things in my life pretty much handled except for when it comes to my love life. In that part I seem to be completely inept and unable to get it together. For the most part I have been able to just turn it off and become dead inside. Everything is a shade of gray and the days, weeks and months just blend together. Every once and a while someone will come along out of the blue and everything goes from gray to technicolor and the world seems completely different for a while until without fail it doesn’t work out and everything goes back to being gray again. Only then it seems worse after seeing the world in color for a while. Damn I’m tired of gray… Oh well, keep plugging along I guess. Such is life.

I ran another 5k last weekend right by my house so it was convenient. It was technically warmer than the one I ran with Joe in Elkhorn the week before but it didn’t feel like it because of the long walk to get to the starting line and the wait for the start. By the time the race started I was completely frozen and miserable. Here is a link to the results (there’s a 2 page pdf file, I didn’t come in next to last), and here is a link to all the data. I’ve got this weekend off and then one more race next weekend for the last race of the year. Joe is coming down from Omaha for that one since I have traveled for 3 of them that he wanted to do. I’ve committed myself to going out and running every day no matter what though since I’ve been slacking a little lately.


School is going well. I was having some issues at the beginning of this class as to what the teacher was looking for but I’m pretty much all dialed in now. I’ll be glad when this class is over though since I’m not really interested in the material. Next semester I get to take a Earth Science class instead of all this business crap so that will be nice change up before following it with… Statistics. Yuck. After that I can take Physics I and II though which will be cool. I enjoy science classes so that helps. My work is dragging their feet on the reimbursement though which is pissing me off. I turned the paperwork in a month ago and there’s still no money which is really irritating me because $505 bucks isn’t chicken poop.

I’ve decided to grow my hair out a little bit. I’ve had my hair really short for so long and I kind of want something new. Not real long or anything, something mid length. I don’t know, I guess I’ll look around for a style that I like in spring after going shaggy over the winter or something.

Wow that was memorizing literary genius right there… I don’t know why anyone reads this stuff. That’s all for today, I have a giant book to read and a paper to write before Sunday at midnight so I guess I’ll work on that.

1 thought on “What a game!”

  1. I like reading your literery genius. It’s the only time I have to read, as my class isn’t going well. I kind of stopped doing it and now it’s too late to even take it up again…mega bucks wasted there. My job just screwed it up, worked too much and was too tired to do it when I wasn’t at work…oh well, live and learn, or not learn as the case may be. I’ll eventually complete it on my own sometime, maybe. Anyway, there are many shades of gray in other people’s lives as well…with a few glimses of color here and there…we all keep plugging along don’t we? OK, love ya, bye.

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