What can I say about that trip…

Except that for the most part it sucked ass . My body feels like it’s been hit by a truck right now. I’ll lay it out from the beginning. I left for Kansas City about 8:40 in the morning, about an hour and a half later than I wanted to start but it was no big deal. Made pretty good time down there except for a spot after St. Joseph there someone got in a wreck and traffic came to a complete stop. I stopped by and visited aunt and uncle Mike and Janine since they live right down the road from my friend Jason’s house. Went out for a quick lunch with them and talked for awhile and then made my way to Jason’s house. At Jason’s place we all got geared up in our warm weather clothes and headed up to Arrowhead. Tailgating at Arrowhead was pretty fun, I would have to say that it was the best part of the whole trip. We met up with a lot of friends and friends of friends and had a pretty good time. Someone we knew had an old handicapped minibus that was decked out with a couch and TV where you could warm up if you wanted to. We probably spent three or four hours out there before the game even started. Kasey, Gabe, Adam and the other guys finally showed up from Lincoln not that long before game time. I was starting to get worried because Gabe had my ticket. Shortly after those guys arrived it was time to head into the stadium.

I’ve never been to Arrowhead before and it was a pretty cool stadium to be in. It feels like you’re right on top of the field. There were a ton of Husker fans there in the stadium and it was pretty much all red. It seemed more like a home game than an away game. Up until kickoff things were going pretty good but then the game started and OU was on top within the first minute of the game. That pretty much sucked the life out of most people from the very beginning. There were times that it got loud but Oklahoma made some big plays that just killed us. I’ve been watching the game now that I’m home and it seems like we did a lot better on TV than it did watching it in person. I was getting so pissed when I was there because it seemed like Oklahoma was just running the same play over and over again and burning Grixby every time. I left the game past the midway point of the fourth quarter because Jason called me and said that they were leaving and my truck was parked at his place. Believe me I was glad to go because I was so miserably cold and sick. After walking around for 10 minutes looking for Jason’s vehicle we beat a lot of the traffic out of there and went back to Jason’s place.

After that most of the other people were planning on going out to the bars but since I was feeling like crap and was in a bad mood I decided to just head home then so I could sleep in my own bed instead of the sleeping on the floor at Jason’s place. I really put the hammer down heading home which was a bad idea. To put a period on the end of this wonderful day I got a speeding ticket on Highway 2 between Nebraska City and Lincoln. Dammit. To sum it all up it was Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Missouri, cold ass game, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and a whole lot of money out of my pocket in a 19 hour period.

Here’s some pictures, I didn’t actually take many of my own because the batteries in my camera froze and it would only take about 1 picture at a time after I warmed it for a while inside my clothes. I’ve got the ones I took and the ones from Gabe, and Jason is going to send me the ones from his camera so I will add those as soon as I get them.


2 thoughts on “What can I say about that trip…”

  1. Hey, how come I had to hear second hand that you were going to the game? Too bad for you that they lost, you could have stayed home and watched it on tv. Oh well, I guess you wouldn’t have known that before hand huh. Anyway, are you still planning on coming for Christmas Eve? Hope so! Love ya, Mom

  2. I thought I posted that I was going to the game earlier but I never really made it clear I guess. There is a post after the aTm game where I was worried about having a ticket to a game in which I wasn’t sure we were going until after that. Sorry I thought you knew I was going. Anyway it sucked, wish I would have stayed home even if we had won because it was miserably cold. Plus it cost me a lot of cash that I don’t really have right now since I need to come up with $4250 to go to Concordia next month. Oh well. Oh and yes I’m still coming Christmas Eve.

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