What day is it?

I’m not really sure any more. I’ve picked up 34 hours of overtime this week and the days are really blending together. Gotta get some money together to pay everyone that has their hands out and to put some away for all the time that Jessica will be off work this Winter. I haven’t seen her for more than a few minutes at a time in passing over the last couple days and not at all on some of them. I hate working overtime but you gotta do what you gotta do right? At least I’m at a job where you can pick up a little extra cash if you need to. I just wish it wasn’t so damn hot because I haven’t been a daywalker for quite some time and my pasty white skin just isn’t used to it. I might burst into flames when I come back in at 2 this afternoon to work on this ocean of concrete with a 110 degree heat index. Yikes. There is good news in that they are fully restoring my wages back to where they were before the economy took a dump and they laid people off and cut pay and benefits back in early 2009. There was also enough money made that there is going to be profit sharing again for the 4th consecutive quarter which is pretty cool even if I don’t really see any of it because it all goes into my 401k. Still no merit raises though, they plan on starting that back up early next year so the next evaluation that I get that will mean more money will be in September of 2012 so that will mean it will have taken 4 whole years to be further than I was in 2008 (if you don’t count inflation that is). It is what it is I guess. It could be worse and we are doing ok because of the meticulously anal way that I handle money.

Baby is coming sooooon. Time is moving so fast and yet somehow so slow. Fast in that we can’t seem to get any of the things done that we need to get done and slow in that the baby still isn’t here yet. We just aren’t ready at all, but I have a feeling that he doesn’t really care and will come whether we are ready or not when he’s done cooking. It will all turn out fine, it’s not like we are the first ones to have a baby and if we don’t have exactly what we need then oh well we can get it later or maybe we don’t need it at all. He won’t know the difference if he’s sleeping in a fancy bassinet or a cut down cardboard box with some blankets in it. All he cares about is whether he is warm/cool (depending on the weather), fed, and clean. Anything more than that is gravy.

So much to do… It won’t get done today though. Off at 6am, back at 2pm, off at 10pm and home to sorta see Jessica (by sleeping next to her) for the first time since Wednesday. That’s all I’ve got for today.

2 thoughts on “What day is it?”

  1. Well we are looking at getting something like a bassinet for downstairs for at first since the baby’s room is going to be upstairs. This will let us be able to stay close to the baby and it will let me go sleep upstairs during the day as well.

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