What the hell?

Why the hell is the site running so damn slow for me now? That figures too, just 2 days after paying for another year of webhosting. Well the elections are over and the democrats are in control of the House and Senate, and wouldn’t you know it Rumsfield resigns the day after. Good. Throw em all out I say. Almost every damn one of them is corrupt. It’s amazing how just a week ago Bush says he won’t fire him and he’ll be there till the end of Bush’s term and now it’s “well Donald and I have decided that we need some “fresh eyes”. My votes really didn’t matter that much here in Nebraska. The people that I voted for pretty much won except for Moul. I don’t recall why I don’t like Fortenberry, I just recall I didn’t like him in the last election (i researched him then so I’ll go with that). Well at least there is some oversight in government now instead of just a rubber stamp. Lets hope SOMETHING gets done. I’m sure it will just degenerate into a clusterfuck. At least it will be a different kind of clusterfuck.

In other news Britney is divorcing Kevin. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! ummm wait a minute… I don’t give a damn. Personally I am just waiting until she’s completely broke and she poses for Playboy… and no one will care. I give it 10 years tops.

More later.

3 thoughts on “What the hell?”

  1. steve…whats up homie…this will probably sound gay but going to your site tonight kindof reminded me of home…okay that was gay…anyway…i should be a member or a kronie or whatever you call us fighting polish subscribers…two weeks down here in olathe and i still don’t miss T-38s and T-1s and all that other bull…however i do miss single point…by the way…is there still a green water bottle in the dispatch fridge…yeah thats mine…i’ll try to send another hat your way soon…i’m bummed you didn’t mention me in your blog about the sweet job i did singing with lloyd at the branched oak inn…sweet might be an exageration…i think there should have been two g’s in that word…anyway…now i’m rambling…take care and i’ll talk to you soon…jaybizzle

  2. Jeez are you lonely and bored at your new job or what? Yea you did do a good job singing up there. I sometimes forget little details when I don’t post right away. I also don’t really need to include every detail or I would bore people more than they already are reading this shit. I never even got to see the hat or the note I think Chuck took it. I’ll be up there for the Big 12 Championship game. You’ll have to show me around. Say hi to Aimee for me. And for christs sake, meet some new people down there instead of calling dispatch. Talk to you later.

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