Where are my Bush Bucks?

According to the schedule I was supposed to be getting my $600 from the government Friday. I filed my taxes months ago and had them take out the money I owed through direct debit. Gimme my damn money! I’ve got to do my part in jump starting the economy by investing in foreign stocks. I filled out the little thing on the IRS website to check on it and they have no information which means it isn’t scheduled to be sent in the next week. From what I was reading the schedule says I would have had it if I had direct deposit for my refund. I didn’t have a refund, I had to pay in but I still did it directly. Isn’t that the same damn thing? I submitted my taxes electronically as well but told them to wait until April 15th to take their damn money so I wonder if that’s when they considered that I filed. If that’s the case then they say that will delay it is well. Give me my money dubeya!

Dave came down from St. Louis for the weekend for Kasey and Shannon’s reception. Of course we all got really drunk. Painfully drunk. Basically the kind of drunk that I don’t do anymore because I’m tired of not getting anything done over the whole weekend because I’m so hung over and sick. Yesterday was almost completely wasted laying in bed trying to recover before going out again. Dave was able to rally but I had trouble with my stomach doing flipflops and hardly being able to hold anything down. Of course I was meeting up with a girl that night in that condition so I’m sure it was just a super first impression. I was hoping for charming funny Steve, but instead was sick, feeling like shit, wanting to be sleeping and not out Steve. I’m still not fully recovered and it’s Sunday afternoon.

How come I don’t really know anyone doing any marathon or long running kind of stuff until I do my half. What I’m getting at is I’m all proud of my half finish and tell Dave about it and he goes, “Thats awesome! I’m training for a 100 mile ultramarathon right now, my long runs on Sundays are 40 miles.” Well doesn’t that make my little half marathon not as impressive doesn’t it? I guess he’s going to do one in Kansas this October to try and qualify for the Western States Endurance Run which is the premier ultra in the country. I’m going to go down to the one in Kansas and cheer him on and be his pit crew or whatever. I’m liking getting back in shape and all but I don’t know that I could get into it enough to want to go for 20-30 hours straight. Dave does have that over the top personality to do shit like that though. You can really tell he’s been running a lot. He’s lost a ton of weight from the last time I saw him in 01. He’s all slim and sinewy now. He used to be pretty stocky. I’m back to running again tomorrow for the Duncan Ironman after taking a week off.

Happy mothers day to my mom! I hope shes relaxing and not at work. But knowing how crappy her job has been lately she’s working a 16 hour day today.

2 thoughts on “Where are my Bush Bucks?”

  1. Thanks for the Mothers Day wish…I did have to work, but not the whole 16 hours. It was only a 10 hour day. I got flowers from Adam, a phone call from Pat, an e-mail from you, and your dad cooked me steak & baked potato & had a nice salad, and he did the dishes too (that was the best part). Well, good luck to you in your next marathon. Talk to you later.

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