Where in the hell is the El Niño?

… or the La Niña? Hell, I will take any weather formation that makes it warmer, it doesn’t even need to be Hispanic! I think I got a little spoiled last year when it didn’t even snow for the first time until after the first of the year and it wasn’t all that cold compared to what it could have been. This year this cold, snow, and wind is getting real old real fast. I am trying real hard to have a good attitude about things though. I often slip, but I’m doing my best. I guess if I don’t like the cold I shouldn’t have chosen an outside job in Nebraska working nights then should I? We are all on the path of our own choosing. I won’t go on and on about the weather, most of the people reading this are going through the same thing and don’t want to hear it. If you aren’t? Well then you suck!

It’s been about a week since I made my last post on here. I can’t say that things have been all that exciting but we have been out and about some. Last weekend I finally had some time off after working a bunch of days in a row so of course we had to do something. I fulfilled that something by scoring some free Husker basketball tickets with parking pass and hospitality room tickets to see the game against Maryland Eastern Shore. Nice! I got 4 of them so Ed and his wife went along too. It must be nice being marginally rich because we got to park in covered parking right across the street from “The Bob” and there was all you could eat Mexican food and drinks in the hospitality room. I say marginally rich because if we were using the tickets of someone really rich we would have had courtside seats and had tickets to the coaches club where they serve prime rib. That’s ok though I still had a good time and will most likely be able to have the same arrangement a few more times yet this season.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day, the only thing of note was that I got my hair cut for the first time in a year. I didn’t go really short or anything, it’s still got some shagginess to it but I just had to get rid of the mullet and I had to get it out of my eyes because it was starting to drive me crazy. For the most part I’m happy with it but I think I’ll go a little shorter around the ears next time. I also trimmed up the beard so I don’t look all that homeless anymore. Still a little homeless I guess.

On Monday Jessica and I used the movie passes that I got from one of our customers to go see Avatar. I would say for the most part it was a pretty good movie but I really didn’t like the undertones of trying to make you feel guilty for oppressing the Native Americans and also a Afghanistan kind of thing too. I don’t feel like I’ve oppressed anyone you know? The Native American thing was far before I was born and Afghanistan certainly wasn’t my decision. It was made by people who can’t learn from the mistakes made by others like the British and the Soviets. They don’t call it “the graveyard of empires” for nothing. Anyway, I thought it was still a good movie and would recommend it if you haven’t seen it already.

A water main broke at Homestead National Monument where Jessica works on New Years day and caused a ton of damage. It flooded the room where all the historic documents are stored and filled the AV room where all the expensive electronic gear is kept with mud and rocks. I know it ruined a brand new Hi Definition camera that cost a fortune as well as a bunch of other expensive equipment. The good news that came out of the deal is that Jessica got some more hours to come in and help with the cleanup which is a big help since money is really tight for her when she is basically laid off over the winter other than a few days here and there.

Jessica’s big job interview at UNL that was supposed to be yesterday afternoon after 3 weeks of waiting got postponed because of the stupid weather until next week. Of course the day that they want to reschedule it on is one of the few days this month that she is scheduled to work at the monument (shakes fist in the air at nothing in particular). It will all work out for the best one way or another and she will do great.

We had all the cats staring at the attic door for a couple days. It was very creepy. Jess was especially weirded out because she had been watching some show on A&E about ghosts and pets or something. I don’t know, I didn’t see it, I hate ghost shows. Anyway, they were all doing it again so she decided to sit down by them and stare at it too to see what the hell they were looking at. Shortly after she did she was like, “What is that, a stick? There’s something moving up there…” and right then a starling exploded out of the crack and flew right at her head. I was in the shower at the time and all I heard was a scream and what sounded like someone falling down the stairs. She busts in and shrieks that a bird came out of the attic and is flying around upstairs. I replied with the only sensible thing that I could think of which was, “Well, go catch it!”. I was in the shower after all and wasn’t going to be doing any soapy naked bird chasing. I didn’t think she would actually do it and I figured it could wait until I finished rinsing off and put some clothes on but with some help from the cats she caught it after it busted through the plastic on one of the windows and trapped itself between the plastic and the window.

Finally got my iPod shuffle in the mail and what the hell! It’s only a 1 gig and was supposed to be 2! Rottensonofabitch! I was pretty pissed off and ended up getting a partial refund because I didn’t want to return it and end up waiting another 2 weeks before I could order another one. I use my iPod daily and not having one really sucked. I was hating using the shuffle because it’s so limited in what it can do but was just going with it because it’s better than nothing. Then today I got a message from a guy that I was in the Air Force with asking if I still needed one. He had an old nano and I could just have it if I paid for shipping because he didn’t use it anymore. NICE! Oh hell yea! Very unexpected and much appreciated. Now I can listen in the car again and use the dock for the stereo and clock radio as well. Sometimes things do go your way.

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