Where’d the weekend go?

I’ll tell you where, I slept it away. Bleh. I haven’t done any biking in over a week now. I was going really good on it doing at least 10 miles a day there and then one day I decided to take a day off. One day turned into two, which turned into four etc. and so forth. It’s just too hot and I hate hot weather with a passion. I would rather have cold weather any day of the week.

Anyway like I was saying I spent the majority of the weekend napping or doing nothing. On Saturday I spent pretty much the whole day watching SpikeTV. They really are pretty good at picking some guilty pleasure movies. The first one was Days of Thunder. What a crap fest that thing is, but for some reason whenever it’s on TV I still watch it. I think it’s funny how Nicole Kidman is in it just like she is in all of Tom Cruise’s stupid movies from that time period. I can’t believe they were even married. They always have some sort of awkward attempt at a sex scene that just doesn’t seem believable. I’m pretty sure it’s because Tom likes the cack or that he’s a weirdo scientologist (that also likes the cack). The second movie of the afternoon was Road House. That movie is just so awesomely crappy. There’s so many awesome quotes.

This place has a sign hangin’ over the urinal that says, “Don’t eat the big white mint”.
That gal’s got entirely too many brains to have an ass like that.
Calling me sir is like putting an elevator in an outhouse. It don’t belong.
Pain don’t hurt.
Nobody ever wins a fight.
I got married to an ugly woman. Don’t ever do that. It just takes the energy right out of you.
A polar bear fell on me.
My way… or the highway.
I used to fuck guys like you in prison.
The Double Douche!
Take the biggest guy in the world, shatter his knee and he’ll drop like a stone.
Too many 40-year-old adolescents, felons, power drinkers and trustees of modern chemistry.
What if somebody calls my mama a whore? Is she?
I’ll get all the sleep I need when I’m dead.
I thought you’d be bigger.

So many words to live by! The hairsprayed pompadour mullets on the guys and the super hairsprayed wave lookin hair on the women wearing dresses made of tablecloth material. Monster trucks, guns, knives and explosions. Not to mention it has one of my favorite actors Sam Elliott in it. He can grow the best walrus mustache ever! I challenge you to come up with a better “awesome shitty” movie than this one.

Enough about the stupid television I was watching. I’m tired of that subject. Jason and Aimee were in town this weekend from Kansas City and we went over to Rob’s house just to hang out. That really is my type of thing and I really enjoyed it a lot. The only thing missing was the grill being fired up but no big deal. So anyway it was nothing special just a bunch of people sitting on the back porch bullshitting and drinking beer. To me it was way better than going downtown and spending a bunch of money on watered down drinks and having no place to sit. That gets old real quick.

I am hating my job right now. Kramer’s time was up on graves and he went back to the land of the daywalkers and they put me with a brand new guy that they hired from Silverhawk. I don’t know what to say other than… we don’t have much in common to talk about sooo… we don’t. I’ll just leave it at that so I don’t shoot myself in the foot. Anyway it is very very boring now at work. It makes me want to go back to being a daywalker again just for some human contact even though being here in the daytime is a pain in the ass.

Looks like Kasey got back from his 3 week trip to Guam this morning. Didn’t talk to him, he came in and washed his clothes and left while I was sleeping. That’s all I’ve got for today.

7 thoughts on “Where’d the weekend go?”

  1. It never ceases to amaze me how you always have some huge blog to write. I mean, really, your brain nevers seems to stop coming up with random shit to write all the time. Kinda reminds me of the days of standing out on the center line smoking and listening to your wierd, psycho ideas of things like the “Glass Bus Theory” or the “Pussy Tree”. I guess of all things you are definetly unique in an odd sort of way , but you’re definetly interesting. So anyways, I’ll be heading back down that way in December and I’ll probably be able to stop by since I own a 4WD and won’t be hauling a trailer. Either way, I’ll keep you posted on what base I get stationed at, but it’s looking like the East coast no matter what. (Mcconnell is on the list, but blah). Anyways, get off your ass and go ride your bike.

  2. Yeah, I have a crappy movie that comes on once in a while that I have to watch…”Mars Attacks!”. The one with Pierce Brosnan and the chic that plays Carrie on Sex and the City (what is her name? Oh yeah, Sarah Jessica Parker). I never forget her with a chiwahwa (spelling?) dog’s body, and the alien disguised as a woman with big hair to cover the big alien head…anyway…that’s all I got, bye.

  3. I was just thinking that if you were really itching for some human contact we could call Road House’s very own Patrick Swayze. He loves the CACK!

  4. Well I had fun on Saturday minus you and Jason trying to get me to take you to the Village Inn. What is it with drunk people always wanting some food? Don’t get me wrong I always want food after a night of drinking too…..anywho it was good to see you….You guys made me really want a beer though! Only 5 more months to go!

  5. Hell I didn’t want you to take us, I wanted to walk. That way I could finish my beer and maybe have another as well. All I wanted was for you to uncrack the whip so Jason could go too. Anywho… Only 5 more months to go till you guys can’t go out anymore because you guys can’t find a babysitter. Yaayy!… Wait.. what?

  6. Ha Ha very funny! I wasn’t going to let two drunk buttwipes go wandering out walking at three in the morning trying to find the VI….I mean come on….what’a a girl suppose to do. Plus I need Jason around for when this baby comes!

  7. The only buttwipe is your husband. I know for a fact that I become extremely charming while drinking (except for the 95% of the time when I become a buttwipe).

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