Whoops, it’s been a while.

I just noticed that it’s been over a month now since I’ve posted anything new on here. I suppose that sometimes it feels more like a chore to do instead of something fun. I got a plugin for the site that let’s me post from the blackberry so I’m giving that a try to see what it does.

Let’s see, what’s new with me? I guess the biggest thing is that I’m dating someone. I go on dates but I have never really felt the need to tell everyone about them if nothing comes of it. This one is official though, we’re dating, which is nice because I really haven’t had much that was all that serious in a very long time. Her name is Jessica and she lives about a half hour away in Beatrice. She works for the National Park Service as a park ranger at Homestead National Monument. I’ll leave it at that for now. If you want to know more then… tough shit. That’s plenty for now.

Summer college class has started and I hate it. I am completely unmotivated and just finished up week 2. Not a terribly hard class I guess but I’m wondering if it’s all just a waste of time and money. Time will tell I suppose.

Well I’ve had this site up and running for 5 years now. How lame is that? Sometimes I get tired of updating it and think about just shutting it down but then I get inspired and have a lot to say. Lately it just feels like work though.

Happy fathers day dad, and happy birthday Jessica. I’m going to bed.

3 thoughts on “Whoops, it’s been a while.”

  1. Hey…what happens to my site if you shut yours down? You are kind-of my “server”, right? Oh and by the way…glad to hear you’re dating. Hi and Happy Birthday Jessica! Looking forward to someday meeting you in person, not just on facebook… Well have fun today! Bye for now. Love ya! Mom

  2. Oh you will still have your blog mom, I wouldn’t completely kill the whole thing because then I would have to get a new email address and I don’t want to do that. If I was to do anything I would put my site in mothballs and maybe pull it out later.

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