Why does anyone read this crap?

I’ve got a question for the people who read this site. Why? What the hell for? I have got to be the most boring person around. I’ve looked through some of my recent posts and it’s nothing but a bunch of crap about work and how I need to get something done but never do. Mix in a few things about the last time I got drunk and there you have it. I don’t even have any good stories from when I got drunk. I certainly didn’t get laid or anything fun like that. Drink a bunch, a bunch comes out both ends, then I come home to the latest dog turd in the corner of my apartment. I am disgusted with myself sometimes.

What the hell is with all the gray hairs im getting? I don’t feel old. I can’t get gray hairs yet, I can’t even grow a good beard for god’s sake. It’s not fair. I feel old but I don’t look that old. Wait I dont feel old… What the hell was I saying? I don’t know. Diarreha of the keyboard… Girls my age assume that I’m 19 so they aren’t really into me because they think I’m too young. 19 year olds think I’m their age but I talk to them and I’m not into them because I think they are too stupid and naive. I swear I want to choke the piss out of some of these younger girls when they speak. What the hell am I going to do with these girls? Pick them up from their parents house and go to a kegger in some field with a bunch of douchebags wearing pink shirts with popped collars? Here’s another question for ya, why the hell am I so agrivated tonight. Who knows? No reason, just cause I feel like it.

Oh theres some pictures of me singing karaoke from a couple weeks ago that got put up on the “all star” bulletin board at work.  I’ll scan them and post them when I remember.

Link fo the day: The Simpsons, Unplugged.

4 thoughts on “Why does anyone read this crap?”

  1. Hmmm…mood swings, tired, aches and pains…that sounds like PMS to me (partial male senility, or people make-me sick, or pissed-off man shouts, or something like that…whatever fits at the time I guess). As for the grey hairs, that’s probably from your dad, he started getting grey hairs at about your age, and went all grey within 10 years. That’s what “Just for Men” is for. Between going bald from my side of the family, to going grey on what’s left, you better start hanging around the old folks home looking for widows! (Just kidding…LOL!). I don’t think your site is that boring, you know what’s on mine. Reading this is the only way I know what’s going on with you. So keep it up…my life is not quite as exciting as yours, so I want to keep on living vicariously through my children…love ya.

  2. Why read this site? Because reading about your pathetic life makes me fell better about mine. Just kidding…

    P.S. If you met any girls DON’T give them the link to your site…

  3. Have you had a bad week Steve… is it time for a vacation somewhere warm where you have women running around on the beach in almost nothing, and not a single care in the world… that would be nice huh… If it makes you feel any better David has Gray Hairs also! Hang in there…

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