Wifey Speaks

Greetings all. Steve invited me to write on his website, a guest speaker of sorts to ramble on now and again. I have to admit it is a little unnerving to release your thoughts into cyberspace. Especially for me due to the fact I can, shall I say, take folks off guard with my swarthy speak at times. I will do my best to be on my best behavior, “BB” as other members of my family need to be put on at times…you know who you are.

So, let’s begin shall we? That is actually a hard place to start, the beginning. I have always lived my life in chapters, usually a chapter ends and begins with a defining moment, a decision, an opportunity. Let me tell you something, this latest new chapter has snowballed into existence and I am still blinking in disbelief. So, I will just begin here, how does that sound?

I had made a special order to the fates one time on an airplane, a couple of years ago. I know this is going to sound silly and even I don’t believe it, but what the hell right? I had received a new age self motivation book as a gift. This type of book is a far cry from the usual material I read, that generally being smutty romances revolving around a mystery of some kind. I took the new age book with me on a flight, mainly because I didn’t have anything else to read and it was a small totable. The basic message of the book was send out the vibe of your wishes and eventually through the laws of attraction it’ll happen. The first thing I thought was if I could write some crap like that and get the masses to buy it, I’d be set. Then, for the hell of it, I put out one vibe, wish, dream, whatever into the clouds and went on about my business finishing my tomato juice and thumbing through the Sky Mall magazine.

For a well practiced realist/pessimist, there must be something in positive thinking or maybe even the laws of attraction cause what I envisioned came true, almost down to the letter. Unbelievable. I didn’t actually think I’d meet my match, it is so very surreal. I have to admit marriage and kids weren’t part of that daydream, so that’s the snowball part. A very wild exciting ride and I couldn’t be happier to know Steve is stuck with me in all of this. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Now for this child we are going to have…Baby K….I’ll share my thoughts next time.

5 thoughts on “Wifey Speaks”

  1. Jessica! How can you start such a clever, hypnotizing story and just leave us hanging for more??! Oh, you are Steve’s wife indeed….please…give us more!!!!!

  2. All I can say is that it was good thing you weren’t reading that trashy romance novel, or my nephew might need to grow his hair and go shirtless all the time. See, providence, faith, it is just so amazing.

  3. Hmmm, as I suspected Jessica writes one thing and gets more readership than I do. Well good, gotta keep people visiting and I just don’t have the time to write as much as I want to. People mostly come look to see what she is up to anyway, might as well let her write it in her own words.

  4. Jess, I believe in that idea of throwing your wishes out there into the cosmos…that’s exactly what I did shortly before you found Steve, so it’s true! I also threw the wish out for another grandbaby from you guys, and that’s happening too! The only wish I didn’t get was to be at your wedding…oh well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad!

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