Winnah winnah chicken dinnah!

I met Joe in the bustling metropolis of Manley Nebraska this morning to run the 1st Manley 5k, and I won a medal! I took 3rd place in the men’s division and 5th overall! Yay! I’m not going to discuss how many people ran the race total, that isn’t important, I’m sure it has nothing to do with why I won a medal. Yep nothing at all to do with it… It was my blazing speed. Yea that’s it. Blazing speed. Quit trying to burst my bubble. I’m happy I got a medal.

Anyway I was really wanting to do a personal best time and I was on pace to do that until the last looong hill which sapped all my energy. I ended up running a 9:10 per mile pace which is not where I want to be. I think after all these races are over for the year I’m going to start my training over and work on my speed and add all the circuit training and cross training as well that I did earlier this year. You run how you train and I’m training at a pretty slow pace and I would like to be more competitive. Plus the faster you run the faster you get it over with. I really want to do the full marathon next year.

Here is a link to all the data that came out of the watch.


The second date last night went very well and we are getting together again tomorrow so that puts me in a very good mood. Who knew that the whole dating process wasn’t supposed to be a soul crushing experience? Certainly not me! That’s all I’ve got on that. As usual I’m not all that chatty about that aspect of my personal life. If anything comes of it you’ll be the first to know… I swear…

2 thoughts on “Winnah winnah chicken dinnah!”

  1. That’s great!!! Congratulations!!! Both on getting a medal, and on getting a 3rd date! I don’t really want to know the details of your love life, but if you get serious down the road sometime, I want to meet her WAY BEFORE you plan anything more permanent…the way it’s going I’m not going to have any grandkids until I’m way too old to enjoy them anyway, so no pressure…ok that’s all I’m saying. Love ya, bye. ;-)

  2. A medal–congrats and no I won’t ask how many were in the race. Your run sounds fast to me regardless. I’ll walk. Love ya GMW

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