Winter is here.

Winter is here and I had not mentally prepared myself for it at all. I got up this morning at 5 and looked out the window and saw the snow blowing sideways and cussed. I hadn’t checked the weather forcast at all and wasn’t expecting it. I guess I was living in a dream world where we have 75 degree days in November like last week. Denial I suppose. At least our cold weather gear came in on Sunday which was great timing because I didn’t have anything near warm enough before. Holy crap it was cold and miserable outside all day. It wasn’t actually that cold, only in the lower 30’s. It was the wind. 40mph wind embedding the snow chunks into my face. I definitely need to go out and buy some more cold weather gear like good warm boots, warm socks, ski mask and ski goggles so I can see. Great more stuff to wear.. I already had so much stuff on that I could barely move. Seems like just yesterday it was 110 degrees. Such is life I suppose. 5 months or so and it will start to get warm again. yaay!

Day 3 of WATCH STEVE’S BEARD GROW! is in the pictures section. Some stubble, about 1/16 of an inch long, nothing exciting. At this rate I will reach 1 inch 45 days from now. Just in time for Christmas! Hmmm my facial hair seems to grow faster than the hair on my head. Interesting… No not really.

Speaking of Christmas, Mom I won’t be able to come home on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. I have to work both days. Actually I could come home on Christmas Eve but it almost wouldn’t be worth it because I would have to come after I get off work and have to leave pretty early so I could work my 16 hours the next day. I don’t know what your schedules are but since the holiday is on the weekend you guys probably have a day off at the end or beginning of the workweek so maybe we could do a family thing then so I could at least be there. Doesn’t matter I suppose, it’s up to you. I have to work on New Years Eve and New Years Day too. It will be worth it paycheck wise though. Triple time for two 16 hour days, and there will be nothing at all going on at work so it will be easy. The total equilivent of 18 eight hour days at normal pay in that 2 week period. I rarely do anything for New Years and I don’t care for Christmas that much anyway.

1 thought on “Winter is here.”

  1. Hey, it doesn’t matter to me when we do it. As far as that goes, we could just do something on thanksgiving when you come for that. This year I don’t have to close the night before, and I don’t have to be there again till noon on the day after. I do have to work christmas eve so won’t be doing much then either except coming home as far as I know. We’ll talk more about this later, K? love ya, bye

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