Work work work work work play work work work wor….

There I was posting like crazy and then bam! Nothing. Just busy I guess. I picked up a bunch of overtime over the holiday weekend to pick up some extra cash for the big move in a couple months. Technically no weekend since I picked up time on Saturday, Sunday and Monday but paperwork wise it looks like I have Saturday off to avoid the 7th day double time pay that they never want to authorize. Hope we can hold off the foreclosure people from our landlord’s bank long enough until the new place opens up in early November. I’m not moving an inch until they take us to court to evict us and even then I’m staying until they go to court again to get the order to get the sheriff to come forcibly evict us. All that stuff takes plenty of time before it all plays out, but all I want is what I have already paid for and agreed to, nothing more. Her not paying her mortgage has nothing to do with us and our responsibilities.

I shouldn’t have taken the investments class. I’m having a lot of trouble with it so far but it is too late to do anything about it now without losing my tuition money. I wish they gave much more detailed examples of the equations that they were wanting you to solve instead of just assuming that you already know what to do. I feel like I’m taking Investments 300, but neglected to take Investments 100 and 200.

Isn’t it still Summer? I’ve had to switch to long pants and a jacket at work and tonight it will be in the 40’s. Within a month I will need to be wearing my Winter gear again. I’m certainly not ready for another Winter like we had last year. That was just brutal. I hope it’s very mild like it was the year before when it didn’t snow for the first time until January. That reminds me, I still need to get that high powered snowblower.

I’m pumped for the game tomorrow even though we will probably win 70-0 and I will be out $39.99 for the privilege of watching it. Next year is the year to have season tickets because, damn, did you see that schedule? Welcome to the Big 10! 7 out of 8 Big 10 opponents played in bowl games last year and the one that didn’t is Michigan, the winningest program in college football. Plus the non conference is actually not that bad unlike the turdfest that Steve Pedersen stuck us with this year. At least every game will be on tv then instead of $120 worth of pay per views.

I fell off the running wagon for a bit there. I thought it was only for a week or so but then I looked back and it was 2 weeks. That certainly doesn’t help with half marathon training. Jessica isn’t running Omaha at all this time because she just never really got going on the training and just fell too far behind. I wish she would, makes it easier when someone goes with me, it’s always good to have someone expecting you to go so you don’t blow it off and skip it. I’m back at it, ran 5 miles this morning that wasn’t that bad because the temperature was so cool. Buffalo Run is in a week, 5 mile race so that will hurt since I’m not in top form. When was I ever in top form anyway? I don’t believe I have a form other than painful looking show shuffle.

That’s all I’ve got for today, nothing much going on because we have been busy. If you happen to be in the Beatrice area this weekend stop by Homestead National Monument and see Jessica in her Mennonite dress demonstrating how to make authentic pioneer candles. What fun!

Here’s a few more shots of my photography skills, and by skills I mean bush league pictures that I took while trying to make the camera do something that I wanted it do, while it steadfastly refused to do so. I was practicing some night photography but a lot of the shots didn’t turn out because of the long exposure time and a shaky camera. I got a remote to remedy that so I’ll try again… sometime when I get another chance. My favorite is the long exposure of the moving train.

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