
Well not much of a weekend. I picked up overtime on both Saturday and today so I’m working a couple weeks straight. Oh well I need the money. Gotta pay that tuition since there is no GI-Bill money till May. Just got done fixing Troy’s computers. He asked me to do it when I was drinking and I said I would. But of course he said he wanted something simple and then it turned out to be a lot more than the simple thing he originally said. No big deal though. I can’t say I enjoy doing that stuff that much anymore but every once and a while it’s ok. He made it worth my while.

I’m really having trouble getting going lately. Getting anything done besides the things that really really need to be finished right now (lots of stuff) is hard to do, so the little things that I “want to get done” are piling up. I wish I had more energy like when I was younger. I could sleep 4 hours a night and be hauling ass all day and it was no big deal.

Link of the day: The Amazing adventures of Georgina Bush.

4 thoughts on “Working.”

  1. It only gets worse Steve…doesn’t that sound like a great thing to look forward to in your old age? I have SO much that I need to do on my time off…I get 2 days off and spend both of them laying around watching TV or sleeping. My biggest accomplishment this weekend was driving to Columbus & taking Adam to Bordy’s to order his tux for prom (which he paid for himself, I might add). He’s going with an older woman (19…wow). Well, gotta go…haven’t slept enough today yet. Mom

  2. love you steve thanks for the hook up broham…..1 lg pizza comeing your way……….. or anythig eles i can do for you WORD

    like i walways say

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