
Duncan Aviation called today to schedule an interview. Of course I forgot my phone at home. 364 days of the year I have it with me and today I forgot it. I have to call them tomorrow and schedule that. Now I just have to figure out how to get out of work to go to it. Ideally I need to go to it without my bosses knowing I am going to it. If I knew for sure that I was going to get the job I would just say the hell with it and walk. It feels so good to do that but the concequences suck pretty bad. Having no food or money and waiting for a prospective employer to call really sucks ass. Oh well I’ll figure something out.

2 thoughts on “Yaay.”

  1. Angela Dohmen

    Hey good luck with the interview. I hope you get it! Oh, by the way, the site looks great!

  2. Yeah, good luck with the interview…I know they’ll love you and want you to start tomorrow!!! Then you can go back to where you work now just to say “See ya…wouldn’t wanna be ya!” (that’s the G rated version LOL). I feel like doing that same thing, but I need my paycheck too much. Anyway, hey I liked the color version of your face up at the top of the page…any way to get that back? Later, love ya!

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