Yaay for the interwebs!

You gotta love the internet huh? I really didn’t have much to post about tonight until some random 15 year old in Santa Cruz, California got all upset with me for not liking the felon artwork from a few posts back. Honestly I don’t understand what he was hoping to achieve there. This whole place is just a somewhere for me to write what I happen to be thinking about at the time, as boring or backwards as that may be to other people. Does this kid really think he is going to change what I think into what he thinks with some comment on a random blog? And really, even if he made the most eloquent and informed argument that has ever been thought up all I’m going to do is edit his side of the argument into the benefits of creamed corn underpants. In short I do not care for felons or their artwork and nothing anyone can or will say will alter that line of thinking. I wish the inmate locator site was working so I could see what that guy who did the envelope artwork did to get in prison in the first place. Judging by the fact that you can get busted with almost 50 grams of meth around this fuckin’ area and only get probation for it I’m thinking maybe child molestation or rapist or maybe something in the attempted murder genre. It really doesn’t matter though does it? Anyway, thanks for the comments Andy!

On to a new topic. There’s a Jack Russell Terrier Club of America trial that’s going to be happening up in Norfolk in about a month and a half. Last time I looked they didn’t have any local clubs here in Nebraska but it looks like they started one around 2004ish. I’m thinking of going and entering Brian in the racing part of it. I’ve never raced him before and if I do that I will have to give him a little training so he knows what to do. The last time I went to one of these things was when I was still in the Air Force in 2000 or 2001 and had to drive forever into the back woods of South Carolina. It was nuts and I’ve never seen anything like it. Jacks everywhere bouncing around and barking. Brian loved it. I entered him in a “go to ground” competition but he didn’t do well at all because he didn’t know what to do. I think he might do better in the racing part, all he has to do is run and chase the tail so it isn’t that much training since he does that on his own already. I think the agility would be fun too but that would take a whole lot more training than I have time for in a month and half. They do have clubs around town here that do that stuff so maybe that’s something we can get into. Anyone want to go to Norfolk with me?

P.S. Jason or Aimee email me the pictures from this weekend, at least the ones relevant to myself or people I know.

12 thoughts on “Yaay for the interwebs!”

  1. You should have pasted his comments on here so we can all read them and make fun of them.

  2. Andy Andersen

    Dude im sorry i flipped out on you…your right this is your place to be random and shit. But i typed in my uncles name, and your site cam up, and you were talking shit about him and his art…so yeah

  3. Type-O…. “you were talking shit about him and his art” Should have been “you were talking about him and his shit art”. It’s cool I fixed it for you buddy.

    I doubt Brian is anything like the last I seen him but he has always been very smart. Smarter than most people I have met. Work with him and he will bring you the blue ribbon at the county fair. I wish I had a pigmy goat.

  4. If he is going to have his “art” displayed in public then it is going to be criticized by people who see it. My opinion on the whole subject hasn’t changed one bit.

    Oh and I also wish I had a county fair blue ribbon winning pygmy goat.


  5. So…yeah…ummm I guess I did look at that “art”. Yeah, to each his own I suppose…live and let live and all that…I say it doesn’t matter what opinion people have about art in general, all that matters is just that it exists. There’s such a big variety of art…I guess that stuff was just on “the wrong end of the scale” for my taste. I consider myself an artist, but my trouble is I can never find the time to make something, or finish the last painting I was working on for that matter. Well, whatever…K Bye

  6. Oh, and also…hasn’t Andy heard there’s a little thing called “spell check”? Personally, I never use the thing…I learned how to spell in school. Yeah, us hicks out in the sticks actually learned how to read and write, sometimes even to use correct grammar…like knowing the difference between your and you’re, and an e on the end makes the vowel long. (Wow, that was really good for an old lady huh?) Steve…you’re such a bad influence on me.

  7. Oh, yeah, I actually DID get a blue ribbon at the county fair! It was for my painting of “Going fishing with the Boys”. Not much prize money for that…just prestige HA(did my spell check work?).

  8. Hey. This is a little off the subject but I have a suggestion or comment for your website. You should have a way for people to make comments or questions about your photos. I just saw a photo of a gas meter reading 66 gallons. Didn’t know what it was. Then I could make a comment about pics and say things like “remember that night Steve? Of course not cause we were to busy…….” Well, you get the jist.

  9. It is already possible to make comments on the pictures. You need to be logged in and then change the display mode to detail on the bottom from summary. Then you choose from the drop down box below whatever picture leave comment. The problem is that the way it’s set up now no one is notified about new comments on pictures and also it’s difficult to drill down to see if there are even any comments on a picture. Also the gas meter doesn’t say 66 gallons, it says 66.6 gallons. Just Satan leaving me a message that pumping unleaded into all the vehicles every other week is a living hell.

  10. AMEN! I just paid 3.24 a gallon, last week it was 3.10. “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to me, that’ll be 35 bucks please, and that’s for a half tank!!! This sucks! I need a mini pickup or something. Know of any in good shape for not too much?

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