Yaay the site is back up.

The site was gone for a couple of days because my hosting company forgot to renew my domain name when they renewed my hosting account. Got it all taken care of though and all my info is still here. I added a plugin that puts the thumbnail of the author by their post. Everyone who is currently registered can post to the main page and a thumbnail of them will appear. Everyone except Manee. Sorry man I couldnt find a picture of you so you got a question mark thumbnail. If you want something else send me a picture.

It was windy and cold as hell at work today. that is something I will have to get used to again. I am used to being inside in the opressive heat all day, not out in the rain and 40 mph wind. I can’t wait until I get a better feel for things around there because I feel useless now because I don’t know what is going on.

Know what I keep checking on when I get home every day? Whether Terri Schiavo has died yet. I think that case has gone too far and they should just let her go and stop appealing to every court they can. That is a private matter and they are spreading it all over the news and getting Jessie Jackson involved and stuff. What does Jessie Jackson have to do with anything? I wish there was another way to do it besides just removing the feeding tube though. I mean if we had a dog or cat in the same situation there would be a quick painless injection and it would be over. Not dragging it out for weeks at a time.

I didn’t go to the gym today. Dammit.

1 thought on “Yaay the site is back up.”

  1. I enjoy being a mystery ;-) I spent 6yrs in the Air Force and I think I have only a dozen pics of me doing anything remotely ‘Air Force.’ And of those only like 1 or 2 are from MXS. The rest are from the 15th AS. And elsewhere. There was a good one of me hungover, asleep on the loadmaster station….haha. If I find a suitable one I’ll email it to ya.

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