Yay I get money.

Appearently the government isn’t as slow as it used to be. I logged into the VA system to see if my info was in there yet and it was. They are even ready to pay me for the 3 days in March that I had class. That won’t be much, I estimate it to be a payment of about a hundred bucks but I was expecting it to take until June before I got anything. I will get the full payment next month which will help out a lot. Awesome.

Went out and drank last night. No real highlights to give. Robbie’s friend Gina seemed interesting. She didn’t get all upset when I blatently told her I was looking down her shirt. She did say “OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY THAT!” Hell I don’t care. Every guy does it, I just admit it is all. She had a good sense of humor about it. We talked for a while. Going to have to check into that.

Damn this weekend went fast. I have absolutely no free time now with school 6 days a week. If I’m not working or schooling I’m getting ready to go to either of those or driving the half hour to get there and another half hour back. I’m getting killed by the gas prices. I spent about $180 bucks last month on gas for the truck and it will be way worse this month because of adding 24 trips across town to the college. I need to get rid of the truck and get a nice little rollerskate car like an aspire, metro or festiva. Those have the added benefit of not having to help people move heavy furniture in them.

Happy 19th birthday to my brother Patrick.

10 thoughts on “Yay I get money.”

  1. thanks, I have already won playing the lottery, i won 35 bucks on the first scratch ticket i bought. i got a powerball ticker too maybe i will win that also….wouldnt that be nice

  2. Quit already huh? Of all the plants I worked at that was actually the best one. Brother you better get yourself an education because without that working at plants is what you have to look forward to the rest of your life. There simply isn’t any way to make a dicent living otherwise. Not if you don’t want to live in a shithole and drive a crap car. Take my word on it I’ve been there. Here’s another bit of advice, don’t work any place that processes meat.

  3. smelling like jetfuel and fake smiling at cocky pilots sucks too. i’d better get my education on. bye the way…hi

  4. Hey man, it’s way better than cleaning rotten meat that got sucked up a high power exaust duct to the roof. Plus you don’t smell like jet fuel unless you spill it all over yourself. Also all my smiles to the cocky asshole pilots are genuine.

  5. I see you are still under the impression that some hot rich woman will step off one of these planes and take me away huh? I already told you that never happens.

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