Yep, that’s a baby…

We finally got down to Columbus to see my brother Adam’s new baby and I got to meet Evie for the first time as well. All I can say is, yep… that’s a baby alright. Neither Jessica or I seem to have any real urge to ooh and ahh over babies nor do we really know what to do with them. I was teasing Jessica that she better not hold the baby because they don’t like it when you hold them like a bowling ball. I guess it’s good that neither of us have children isn’t it? I held the baby for a bit while he made “I’m pooping right now” faces and brought them some diapers and a stuffed animal and that breast pump that Evie has been dying for. Anyway I’m happy for Adam and Evie and it makes me feel a little old since I moved out of the house when Adam was barely 6 years old and now he’s 21. We didn’t stay long, we never say much to each other when we see each other and Adam needed to go to sleep since he worked the overnight shift the night before.

After that we went up to the library to see my Grandma. She was there helping to set up the display for the Calico Quilt Club. It must be something that they have been doing for many years because I remember going up there when I was a little kid and having her there with the quilts. Since I was tall I got grabbed and put to work by some of the other ladies there to reach up and hang up the quilts. They must have thought that I was their newest member or something. I really didn’t have much choice in the matter.

We then made a trip up to Genoa to see my parents. I still hate Genoa… Anyway we sat around and talked for a while about nothing in particular and then went and ate lunch at the cafe. Good seeing my parents again since I don’t see them all that much anymore. My mom really has the hippie hair thing going again like when she was a teenager. Much better than the big perms or the femullet of yesteryear. Missed my brother Pat, he was busy. No big deal, just like with Adam we don’t really have much to say to each other when we see each other anyway, I think we are just too far apart in age and we just never really hung out with each other. They were both small children when I moved away and I’m not exactly the best about coming around to visit or call. It is what it is.

It was good spending a couple days with Jessica and having me actually be awake for all of it instead of still sleeping half of it away from working nights. My vacation is going way way too fast and I’m not really getting things done like I was planning. The moving out date is coming fast and we still have no where to go. Things will work out though, they always do.

1 thought on “Yep, that’s a baby…”

  1. It was really good seeing you guys! I wish we could get together more often. I’m glad you got to meet your nephew and his mommy. And it’s really too bad that you guys didn’t get the urge to ooh and aah…good thing Adam made me a grandma then (ha) ’cause I could be waiting a long time for you…it’s ok though, I always knew you wouldn’t be the first one of my boys to do that (I thought it might be Pat). Anyway, you took some good pictures there, and I’ll see if I can get my camera going and post the one I took of you. OK, I have to go to bed ’cause I have to work early tomorrow again…enjoy the rest of your vacation, love ya!

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