Yes Joy, I’m fatigued not tired.

That title is for Chuck’s wife… analyzing what I write again.  Anyway sorry I haven’t written in a while.  It seems like I am always behind on everything.  Anyway as of my last post I was looking for someone to trade a day with me so I could go on that date without taking a day of vacation.  I couldn’t find a single person who could help me out with a trade so I just took a day of vacation.  That’s ok no big deal I suppose.  I was saving a weeks worth so I could take a week off this winter when it is really cold outside but I have a floating holiday coming to me on the first of the year so I will just use that I suppose and still take the whole week.  Anyway I went out on the date.  It went pretty well I think.  Nothing that exciting really to tell.  We went out to dinner at Fireworks and went to see that Ricky Bobby movie.  The whole thing was pretty cliche.  Even ended with the standard kiss at the end.  I kind of doofused it up a little but what the hell I am still a semi-dork after all these years.  I still liked the whole situation a lot though, it’s such a nice change.  I am so sick of going to the bars drinking and acting like a high pressure car salesman who has to close the deal by 1am.  That is just not fun for me and totally isn’t my style.  Anyway like I was saying the whole thing went pretty well even though I was nervous as hell and not especially smooth.  Hey I’m getting better though.  I’m more of maybe a 220 grit sandpaper instead of the 40 grit.  Nothing like glass mind you but better by comparison.  So far I am cautiously optimistic about the whole situation.  She seems like the type I have been on the lookout for.  So far glaring turnoffs like you know… drug addict, 4 kids, psycho ex, thief, whore, partier, unemployed, etc. etc.  Hey I’m not saying I am the pick of the litter myself but over the last couple of years the dregs of humanity with no self respect that I have come across just makes me wonder what the hell is wrong with people nowadays?  Isn’t there anyone that is just normal out there?  Even if this one doesn’t work out I am going to keep plugging away at it.  We are going to go out again although there isn’t anything set up in stone yet.  I left her a message yesterday on her voicemail but I haven’t heard anything back yet.  I know she was going on her first trip for work this week but I forgot which days she would be out of town.  Wait and see I suppose.  Thought we might catch the tail end of the State Fair on Sunday.  That would be fun.  Carneys ridiculing me because I can’t do whatever impossible thing it takes to win the Def Leppard mirror or cheap stuffed animal.  Maybe take a picture on the camel if it’s there this year.  I wanted to do that last time I was at the fair.

I am all registered for next quarter’s classes.  I am taking College Algebra, American History, and (cough)Computer Literacy(cough).  Yea so what?  Maybe I need an eazy A class.  I’m so damn sick of school right now.  At the start of this quarter I was all way ahead of things and now I am starting my papers that are due at 11:55pm at 10:25pm when I have had a week to do it.  That strategy doensn’t work that well for the Algebra class but it seems to work just fine for the other 2.  I have the same teacher for both of those classes and she is pretty receptive to bullshit.  I can’t wait until next March when I will finish for a while.  Maybe forever.  I’ll make that decision some other time.

College football starts tomorrow night.  Sweeeeet.  I’m really pumped for this year.  I still need to get some Big 12 championship tickets before they get too expensive.  I would rather go down there instead of going to a bowl game far away.  We are also talking about going to the Kansas State road game.  There is a big hubub at work about mandatory overtime bullcrap for the football season.  It’s amazing how something like that can completely kill morale.  I have no idea why they did that.  People grumble about having to come in to help out with the charters and stuff but it still gets voluntarily done.  Saying mandatory just makes people say fine screw you I’m not volunteering for any of them you can call me when my name comes up on the list.  Instead of grumbling you get outright bitching.  Just dumb if you ask me.  Completely the wrong route to go in my opinion.  Enough about that.  Chuck just made his first stupid Notre Dame football bet of the year.  He bet me that Notre Dame will go undefeated in the regular season and lose in the national championship game.  That is the only senario that he can win the bet with.  If they go completely undefeated and win it all then he still loses.  If they lose one game and go to the national championship he still loses.  The bet is for a large pizza of the winners choice and a 750 of Captain Morgan.  I think this will be the first of many losing bets he will make with people this year.  I ate so good last football season, I don’t think he won any of them.  It’s all good though, at least he pays up when he loses a bet.

Well I finally ordered the parts that I needed to get the old laptop going again.  Why the hell did I buy a new one?  I got the part today to get the LCD working again on this one and it took like 5 minutes to fix.  It only took the part 2 days to get here after I bought it on eBay.  Man if I would have known that I would have done it a long time ago and not bought the new computer.  I forgot how freaking sweet this thing is.  Huge screen, quiet keys, awesome sound.  I still need the replacement fans to keep it cool and it will be back to new again.  Well now that I compare the screens the new one has a lot brighter white but I suppose that is becasue I left the old one on for a year and a half straight and it just wears out.  Now I will have to decide which one I am going to keep.  The new one is way more stable, quiet and slightly more modern but I just like the old one so much more.  Maybe I will just keep them both and just store the other one away as a backup.  We shall see.

I suppose I will call it a day.  It’s almost 2am and I’m getting tired.  I’ve got to mow before work.  Feel free to leave a comment so I know if someone is reading this.  Well I know people are reading it, theres a 196 unique visitors who aren’t search engines so far this month but no one really leaves comments anymore.

4 thoughts on “Yes Joy, I’m fatigued not tired.”

  1. Well, I leave a comment when I have something to say. This Saturday is the first big red football game of the season, and I’ll be doing my favorite thing to do when the game is on and I don’t have to work…SHOPPING! I never was one for football. Hope everybody that likes it enjoys the game! ok, bye.

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