You got served!

Wouldn’t it be funny if it was like that movie You Got Served where I had to have a dance battle with the sheriff when he came to serve me with papers? I’ve never actually seen that movie, I’m just aware of it from when South Park made fun of it in an episode a while back. Anyway yea, the sheriff was back to serve us with papers this time. I’m John Doe and Jessica is Jane, pleased to make your acquaintance. The papers were of course for the foreclosure of the house. The sheriff was pretty cool about it, apparently we are all the talk at city hall here in town about how we are getting screwed over. I got a visit from an old guy who Jessica talked to in the bar about a rental place a long time ago about 5 minutes before the sheriff showed up, not a coincidence I’m sure. Everyone talks to each other in these small towns. The house looks nice but after finding out about the situation that the old man was looking for I’m not at all interested. He wanted to keep all his stuff in the basement and have us watch his dog and in about six months or so have a roommate situation when he came back from his extended trip down south. Uhhh no thanks. I think we will just stick with the original plan and move to Roca. I’m not really worried about it since I found out about the Protecting Tenants at Foreclosure Act that was passed last year and is in effect until the end of 2012. Long story short, whoever owns it after the foreclosure is required to give us a minimum of 90 days notice before they can kick us out no matter if the lease is month to month or whatever. Plenty of time to get into the new place even if the current tenants are dragging their feet on getting out. Imagine that, another law passed by the Democrats that helps me, a non millionaire regular guy, from getting screwed instead of helping the big corporations. I can only imagine if the Republicans were in power that they would have passed the Helping Tenants Out Act, only the only thing it would do is help kick the tenants out to the curb faster so the house could sit vacant and not sell. I just wish the whole damn thing was over with and we were all moved already. Everything will work out in the end but the whole situation sucks.

Well look at that, it’s September 11th again. Do you remember where you were? I was at my house in Clarks, still not even really unpacked after moving back home from Charleston. I was sleeping when it actually happened because I was working 2nd shift at the time and didn’t get to bed until late. Not long afterward I got the stop loss paperwork in the mail. If you don’t know that is what you get when you are in the military and are due to complete your enlistment but the military decides that they aren’t going to let you leave until they are damn good and ready. Kinda like getting drafted I guess. I wasn’t active duty at the time but I was still inactive reserve. Most people don’t know that you actually have to sign an 8 year service commitment when you join the military, your 4 (or 6) years active duty and then the rest on inactive reserve or the reserves or national guard or whatever. Anyway it was a pretty scary (and shitty) time in my life. I was worried about getting called back to active duty, in the process of getting a divorce, losing my house, getting fired from a job for the first and only time in my life and pretty much going bankrupt and losing everything I had worked for up until that point. Just a bad, bad time. I’m back on good footing again in my personal life but I don’t really think we are at all safer after all that was done in the national landscape. I agree with this article that Ted Koppel just wrote on the subject. I’m afraid that Bin Laden’s plan may have succeeded beyond his wildest dreams with the changes that have happened in America in the last 9 years. Just look around at the hatred and anger and bigotry that permeates everything anymore in a country that has bankrupted itself nation building everywhere else but at home. I wonder if previous generations felt this same way about the problems in their own time and if future generations will look upon our actions with disdain. Only time will tell.

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