
My weight has been yo-yoing back and forth lately. Mostly because I do real good for a while about watching what I eat and exercising and then I completely fall off the wagon and eat fast food twice a day and sit on my butt until everything that I worked for is gone. I suppose I’m not all that much different from anyone else out there and I really struggle to make the permanent long term lifestyle change that I want. I’ve gained about 20 pounds from when I was back in decent shape six months ago and I am really starting to feel like crap, lethargic, even some weird chest pain that I have no wish to continue for the long term. Going in that one time to get checked out after I thought I was having a heart attack was plenty for me, it isn’t something that I want to do on a regular basis. At least I did find out from that that I have a heart murmur which I didn’t know before. Well I’m back at it. I’m going to attempt the full Lincoln marathon again next year and I’ve got twenty seven weeks to train for it which is more time than I’ve given myself for training previously. Got the training schedule all made up, six days a week of doing something, four days a week of running. I gotta get that cross training in because it really helps my overall strength and endurance more than just doing the running and that’s it. I’m also back on the diet which I absolutely hate but it needs to be done. It’s weird but sometimes I feel like I’ve eaten plenty and I’ve still got a thousand calories left that day and sometimes I am so hungry that I can eat all my calories for the day by 6:45am. I like using the food tracking app on the new smart phone. It’s pretty easy to just use the barcode scanner to look it up and then enter in how much you had once you get the hang of it. Even though I hate the diet I like how much better I feel once I drop ten or fifteen pounds and I like how my pants fit again. Seriously, I’ve got a whole section of pants separated out as “pants that I’m too fat for now, but fit fine when I’m not being a lazy turd”. My friend Dave has got me interested in trying an ultramarathon, which is anything more than the standard 26.2 mile marathon. He’s all nuts and runs hundred mile races up mountains. I guess like anything it’s mind over matter, I’m just a but weak minded right now is all. There’s a couple local 50k races (31 miles and change) which are the shortest of the ultras that sound more like my speed that I might try.

We took the boy to Trick or Treat on the Trail last night, basically where local businesses set up tables and stuff and dress up and give out candy to the kids and hock their wares to the parents. Alexander liked watching all the other kids in their costumes but I don’t really think that he knew what was going on yet. He had his costume on but kept taking the hat part of it off. This year he got to be an Ewok from Star Wars, we even were trying to teach him to say “Roota” and “Jub Jub” like they do in the movie. Not that anyone could tell though, everyone kept saying what a cute bear he was which was kind of annoying, I mean comon’ man! Everyone knows what an Ewok looks like! Tonight is Halloween and Jessica has the house all decorated up with Halloween stuff. Lights and everything. I decided that I want us to be “that” house so we are going to be giving out full size candy bars instead of the little fun size stuff. We didn’t get that many but I don’t think we will get a whole lot of foot traffic since we live on a dead end street with no easy foot path for kids from other neighborhoods to get in and trick or treat. Basically it will mostly be our neighbors who come which is ok. I see in the city plan that they are going to be running the bike trail through there soon which will be nice so we don’t have to walk on the main road with no shoulders to get to a walking path. Hopefully that happens pretty soon. I’m looking forward to Halloweens in a couple years when X knows what is happening and we can get a lot more into it.

It’s almost election day, thank goodness. I can’t stand it anymore and I just want some relief from all the political crap and all the people that think what they think matters at all to me. I liked it a lot more when I didn’t really care that much about politics and neither did anyone else I was around. We all had our views of course but no one felt the need to constantly tell you how theirs is right and yours is wrong. It makes you end up hating other people for no reason when you would otherwise like them and they would like you just fine. If you want to make your voice heard then go vote (we did a couple weeks ago), otherwise keep your damn mouth (mostly) shut. A little discussion is fine but there’s people out there who have to bring it up and relate it to everything in their lives when in reality the vast majority of national stuff has very little bearing on most of our day to day lives. At least after the election is over there won’t be any more campaign ads for a year or so, just people complaining about how it’s the end of the world now that [insert asswipe here] got elected. I’m going to leave you with a little something that I read that made me laugh. “If Obama wins, I’m leaving the country. If Romney wins, I’m still leaving the country. This has nothing to do with politics, I would just like to do some traveling.”

I would like to do a little traveling… Australia maybe…

1 thought on “YoYoYo.”

  1. I miss Alexander, and wish you would post a pic of him in his halloween costume! Sure wish you guys were closer so you could bring him here to trick-or-treat! Anyway, not much else to say except I love you guys and miss you! Love Mom

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